Author Archives: PW
Pulleys with Shafts and Bearings
Pulleys with Shafts and Bearings Aluminum or Cast Iron.
Lion Backstand Idler
Lion Backstand Idler Heavy Duty Floor Mounted Refurbished Left Hand or Right Hand with 5” Pulley.
Canning Backstand Idler
Canning Backstand Idler Heavy Duty Floor Mounted Refurbished Left Hand or Right Hand with 7” Pulley.
Cub / Canning Backstand Idlers Bench Mounted
Cub/Canning Backstand Idlers Bench Mounted New or Refurbished Left Hand or Right Hand with 3” or 4” Pulley.
Bench Mounted Cub Backstand Idler
Cub Backstand Idler Bench Mounted on Adjustable Slider Plate New or Refurbished Left Hand or Right Hand with 3″ or 4″ Pulley
Bench Mounted Canning Backstand Idler
Canning Backstand Idler Bench Mounted on Adjustable Slider Plate New or Refurbished Left Hand or Right Hand with 3” or 4” Pulley
PW Engineering
Welcome to PW Engineering. We will keep you up-to-date with the latest in metal polishing equipment and more. If you are looking for:- Metal Polishing Machines Metal Finishing Machines Polishing Machines Linishing Machines Polishing and Banding Machines Dust Extractor units … Continue reading →